
Fill the potholes, modernize the infrastructure, and relieve highway congestion without new taxes.

Government doesn’t need to be complicated. When it comes to increasing the quality of life for San Diegans, we should start with the basics, fixing potholes and improving traffic signalizations. These seemingly small changes can make a significant difference in the daily lives of commuters.

In San Diego County, there are roughly 24 hotspots where highway bottlenecks occur during rush hour. We should focus on these areas with selective traffic relief by investing funds to make our commute more efficient. This approach allows cars to use the auxiliary lane or shoulder when the traffic speeds drop below 40 miles per hour. This option does not require expanding the freeways but better uses the existing public right-of-way. By investing in this approach, we can better use the existing infrastructure to ease traffic congestion and improve traffic flow.

When it comes to transportation, we should be investing in the future. Autonomous vehicles are a near reality, and San Diego should be at the forefront of this technology. This option will be cheaper for taxpayers and commuters than building trolley lines to connect all of San Diego County. Investing in infrastructure to support autonomous vehicles will benefit the region in the long run.

We don’t need to spend more money on transportation, and we need to spend the money more effectively. Let’s invest in the future for all of San Diego!